Jersey: Did we just invent "casino metal detecting"?

Experts in the UK tasked with valuing the record-breaking 2,000-year-old Le Câtillon coin hoard started with a figure of £2m... so how did the island end up paying more than double? And could this decision have kickstarted the creation of "casino metal detecting"? Express speaks to Andy Brockman, UK archaeologist and Editor of investigative publication The Pipeline, about the "explosive" precedent the island has set and the impact it could have on future finds both on the island, and across the water...
Experts in the UK tasked with valuing the record-breaking 2,000-year-old Le Câtillon coin hoard started with a figure of £2m... so how did the island end up paying more than double? And could this decision have kickstarted the creation of "casino metal detecting"? Express speaks to Andy Brockman, UK archaeologist and Editor of investigative publication The Pipeline, about the "explosive" precedent the island has set and the impact it could have on future finds both on the island, and across the water...
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Jersey: Did we just invent "casino metal detecting"?
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