Jersey: (Out of) control... Why we must do more about eating disorders (14 May 2021)

With a recent Government report noting that eating disorders in children have more than tripled over the past four years, and charity Jersey Eating Disorders Support noting an increase in adults coming to them for help too, there seems to be a growing prevalence of the condition on the island. Express sits down with Jersey Eating Disorders Support's mother-and-daughter duo, Amy and Karen Dingle, to discuss both what living with an eating disorder entails, why there's been an increase, and what the island can do to tackle it...
With a recent Government report noting that eating disorders in children have more than tripled over the past four years, and charity Jersey Eating Disorders Support noting an increase in adults coming to them for help too, there seems to be a growing prevalence of the condition on the island. Express sits down with Jersey Eating Disorders Support's mother-and-daughter duo, Amy and Karen Dingle, to discuss both what living with an eating disorder entails, why there's been an increase, and what the island can do to tackle it... ★ Support this podcast ★
Jersey: (Out of) control... Why we must do more about eating disorders (14 May 2021)
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